Fox News uutiskanava raportoi uutisissaan 25.2.2016 kuinka Utahissa asuva lesbopariskunta joutui paikallisen seurakunnan häiriköinnin kohteeksi vaikka eivät enää olleet vuosikausiin käyneet kirkossa. Molemmat naiset olivat lapsena käyneet kirkossa ja toinen heistä oli jo erotettu 15 vuotta sitten, mutta nyt siis paikallinen seurakunta päätti kutsua pariskunnan kurinpitotuomioistuimeen.
The two said they declined, and that's when members of the Church reportedly came to their home, with letters.
"I was pretty angry when I opened it, not understanding why they want us to go to this church court when we don't attend church," Leisha said.
The letter addressed to her stated a disciplinary council was being held for her.Seuraavana päivänä 26.2.2016 Religion News Service (RNS) nosti esiin toisen hyvin samanlaisen tapauksen Elizabethiksi itseään kutsuvasta naisesta, joka kertoi asiasta näin:
"Because you are reported to have participated in conduct unbecoming a member of the Church," said Leisha, reading off the letter.
While I have lived in my home for about eleven years, I had never been to this ward and I had never met him. My wife and I have had visiting teachers over — plus the missionaries, the Relief Society President, and other people giving us invitations to ward functions. We have been very polite but we have not gone to any church activities.Epäilemättä tulemme lähitulevaisuudessa näkemään kuinka laajalle tämä noitavaino tulee yltämään. Nykysellään kirkon käsikirja ei anna liikkumavaraa paikallisjohdolle: "Sateenkaariliitoissa elävät ovat apostaatteja, jotka on potkittava pihalle." MAP-kirkko paljastaakin nyt kyttäyskäytäntönsä laajuuden kun sen paikallisjohto kohdistaa kurinpitotoimia henkilöihin, joilla ei ole ollut mitään tekemistä kirkon kanssa vuosiin muuten kuin etteivät ole syystä tai toisesta poistaneet nimiään jäsenrekisteristä.
So the bishop said he wanted to have a talk with me about my church membership. I told him I was a lesbian and have been legally married for eight years.
The bishop already knew that. I assume that the visiting teachers or the Relief Society President told him. He said with the new policy from the church about LGBT members and apostasy, he needs me to make a decision on my membership: I have to either divorce my wife or he will set up a church disciplinary council.
the bishop said he wanted to have a talk with me about my church
membership. I told him I was a lesbian and have been legally married for
eight years.
The bishop already knew that. I assume that the visiting teachers or the Relief Society President told him. He said with the new policy from the church about LGBT members and apostasy, he needs me to make a decision on my membership: I have to either divorce my wife or he will set up a church disciplinary council.
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The bishop already knew that. I assume that the visiting teachers or the Relief Society President told him. He said with the new policy from the church about LGBT members and apostasy, he needs me to make a decision on my membership: I have to either divorce my wife or he will set up a church disciplinary council.
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the bishop said he wanted to have a talk with me about my church
membership. I told him I was a lesbian and have been legally married for
eight years.
The bishop already knew that. I assume that the visiting teachers or the Relief Society President told him. He said with the new policy from the church about LGBT members and apostasy, he needs me to make a decision on my membership: I have to either divorce my wife or he will set up a church disciplinary council.
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The bishop already knew that. I assume that the visiting teachers or the Relief Society President told him. He said with the new policy from the church about LGBT members and apostasy, he needs me to make a decision on my membership: I have to either divorce my wife or he will set up a church disciplinary council.
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the bishop said he wanted to have a talk with me about my church
membership. I told him I was a lesbian and have been legally married for
eight years.
The bishop already knew that. I assume that the visiting teachers or the Relief Society President told him. He said with the new policy from the church about LGBT members and apostasy, he needs me to make a decision on my membership: I have to either divorce my wife or he will set up a church disciplinary council.
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The bishop already knew that. I assume that the visiting teachers or the Relief Society President told him. He said with the new policy from the church about LGBT members and apostasy, he needs me to make a decision on my membership: I have to either divorce my wife or he will set up a church disciplinary council.
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the bishop said he wanted to have a talk with me about my church
membership. I told him I was a lesbian and have been legally married for
eight years.
The bishop already knew that. I assume that the visiting teachers or the Relief Society President told him. He said with the new policy from the church about LGBT members and apostasy, he needs me to make a decision on my membership: I have to either divorce my wife or he will set up a church disciplinary council.
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The bishop already knew that. I assume that the visiting teachers or the Relief Society President told him. He said with the new policy from the church about LGBT members and apostasy, he needs me to make a decision on my membership: I have to either divorce my wife or he will set up a church disciplinary council.
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the bishop said he wanted to have a talk with me about my church
membership. I told him I was a lesbian and have been legally married for
eight years.
The bishop already knew that. I assume that the visiting teachers or the Relief Society President told him. He said with the new policy from the church about LGBT members and apostasy, he needs me to make a decision on my membership: I have to either divorce my wife or he will set up a church disciplinary council.
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The bishop already knew that. I assume that the visiting teachers or the Relief Society President told him. He said with the new policy from the church about LGBT members and apostasy, he needs me to make a decision on my membership: I have to either divorce my wife or he will set up a church disciplinary council.
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